tax services
We’ll help you file for income tax return with iras
Corporate Tax
Each Singapore Company Must File Its Income Tax Return With Inland Revenue Authority Of Singapore (IRAS) On An Annual Basis. The IRAS Filing Consists Of Two Parts
1. Filing of income tax return with tax computation by November 30th for the following year. As part of our annual tax filing service, we will take care of both estimated chargeable income (ECI) and income tax return preparation and filing with IRAS.
2. Filing of ECI within 3 months of the financial year end of the company.
Goods & Service Tax (GST)
GST Application
It is compulsory for businesses to come forward to register for GST when their turnover exceeds $1 million per year. Businesses that do not exceed $1 million in turnover may register for GST voluntarily.
Submission of GST Return
All submissions of GST returns must be submitted via e-filing (MyTax Portal). Failure to e-file is an offence punishable with a fine of up to $5,000 and in default of payment, an imprisonment term of up to six months. GST returns must be submitted within one month from the end of each accounting period. If there is no transaction done, you are still required to submit a “NIL” GST return.
Personal Income Tax
It is mandatory under law to file for your annual personal tax returns to IRAS by 15 April of every year (if you e-file, you have till 18 April). IRAS diligently enforces the requirements relating to the filing of the personal tax. Please comply to avoid paying fines and/or court prosecution.
Partnerships Form P Submission
While a partnership does not pay tax, it still has to file an annual income tax return (Form P) to show all income earned and business expenses deducted by the partnership during the year. The partnership is required to file for Form P if it has received the paper Form P or invitation to e-file, even if it has not commenced business in the year.
Our Services Include:
- Preparation and filing of income tax return for companies, individual, sole proprietor and partnership, if necessary advise on other tax matters
- Submission of ECL for corporate tax
- Request for extension of deadline, if necessary advise on other tax matters
Tax Services
Services and Fees shown below excludes disbursement claim
GST Registration
Partnerships Form P Submission
Personal Income Tax
Contact us to enquire
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